The Gurprasadh Vidhyala is a hands-on educational platform designed to help Vidhyartis become tyaar bar tyaar on their journey in Sikhi by providing students seva opportunities, sangat, and access to classes focused on Santhia, Itihaas, Katha, Fitness, Self-Defense and Gurbani Vichaar.


  • Sri Nanak Prakash (Suraj Prakash) English Katha | Bhai Harman Singh

    Sri Nanak Prakash is a detailed historical account of the life of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. It was written by Mahakavi (great poet) Bhai Santokh Singh Ji in 1824 (AD), and represents one of the most comprehensive and beautifully written accounts of Guru Ji’s life. It is usually associated as a part of the greater text known as Sri Gurpartap Suraj Granth (aka Suraj Prakash) which details the historical accounts of all 10 Guru Sahibs in poetic form. It is an ocean of bliss, knowledge and experience. It is said that if one listen to the history of the lives of all 10 Gurus through these texts with complete devotion and faith, they can reach enlightenment.

  • Sri Jaap Sahib English Katha | Bhai Supreet Singh

    Sri Jaap Sahib, composed by Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji, is the first bani in Sri Dasam Granth Sahib Ji and is often referred to as the heartbeat of our Kalgidhar Paatshah. Reading Jaap Sahib within our daily Nitnem, we can reflect upon and experience the countless qualities of the Divine. Containing 7 main languages, Jaap Sahib combines these languages to inspire within us the constant and intuitive remembrance of ‘the One’ all day long.

  • Tavaareekh Guru Khalsa (Itihaas Class) | Bhai Supreet Singh

    Itihaas Class is a class where Vidhyartis explore different historical texts. In this course we are exploring Tavaareekh Guru Khalsa a text by Giani Gian Singh ji written in the late 19th Century. Join us in this course as we explore the Sakhis of Guru Nanak Dev ji to Guru Gobind SIngh ji